

Agape Visuals is a husband and wife team of professional photographers and video producers.

We help to visually document the work of ministries and nonprofits around the world, telling amazing stories of hope at deeply discounted rates. The stories we produce are powerful tools. The impact of our work goes beyond a one-time donation to a nonprofit’s mission — our videos continue to give back, they never expire, they’re reused, they bolster support and empower people to get involved. Our heart is to serve others doing great work and to beautifully  share that with others in a visual way. Together, we are making a big difference in the world!

We are currently serving ministries and nonprofits with professional photography and video storytelling around the world. If you’re interested in a video project, please contact us at info@agapevisuals.com

You can keep up with our projects and adventures at agapevisuals.com/blog, follow our social media accounts and sign up to receive email updates using the form below!

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